January 2022 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East!

I hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday season with full bellies and full hearts. I know this month I’m going to be dusting off that gym equipment in my basement to work off all the holiday treats that magically seem to show up on my plate.

We’re going to start the new year off with a bang! For our first meeting on Jan. 6th, we’re going to be initiating a new brother into the fraternity. Be on the lookout for an email from Bro. Josh Ruegsegger JW with the cast list. There will be a practice on Wednesday, Jan. 5th at the Welton Temple. I highly recommend those on the list be in attendance for the practice. If you plan on attending dinner please RSVP.

At our second meeting, January 20th,  we’re going to open on the EA but step up the MM degree to hear some proficiencies. Then we’ll step back down to the EA to have a quick, open forum discussion on “The Northeast Corner. Please RSVP for dinner.

The Knights of St. Andrew are hosting their annual “Burns Night Supper” on Saturday, January 29th at the Denver Consistory. If you have never attended one of these dinners, this is an incredibly fun event full of bagpipe music, poetry, and of course…haggis! Spouses/significant others are welcome to attend and if you would like to join in the fun please RSVP with WB Pablo Colomban to get you on the list.

We are honored to help sponsor the 2022 Clays for a Cause Scottish Rite Sporting Clays Classic on May 27th! This is a great cause and promises to be a fun event. You can register and sign up for sponsorship at scottishritesportingclays.com

Fraternally yours,

James Bechtel

December 2021 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East,

The Holiday season is in full swing.  I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving and are preparing for more festivities in December.  Since it appears that it doesn’t snow in Colorado anymore, hopefully, some of the plans get you outside to enjoy the weather.  

On Thursday, December 2nd, we will be having our annual election of officers.  We will also be hearing from the committees with their annual report.  Please plan on attending so you can place your vote to decide on the future of Denver 5.  Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm, with Lodge opening at 7:30. Please RSVP here.

The last meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, December 16th.  This will be our Annual Agape Dinner.  The dinner is open to Masons only and will start at 6:30 pm.  It is crucial that you RSVP to the event at the link below to ensure we have enough food and drink for everyone.  Start working on your toasts Brethren and get ready to celebrate the Craft! Please RSVP here.

Our last event of the year will be our Installation of Officers.  This will take place on Saturday, December 18th with dinner at 6:30 pm, with the Installation to follow.  This is an open Lodge event and is open to the public.  Again, it is crucial that you RSVP to this event at the link below.

Installation RSVP Link

Please note, the Scottish Rite Children’s Christmas party has been canceled. We had planned on having the Denver 5 Child ID kit set up but regretfully, that won’t be happening. Hopefully, we will be able to do this next year as it is a fun event.

It has been a fun year and I have truly enjoyed my year in the East.  I appreciate all of the help and guidance I have received from my Brothers while on this journey.  I think we have accomplished a lot and have done a lot for Freemasonry in Colorado.  All of the PMs kept telling me that the year would go fast and they weren’t kidding.  I look forward to seeing all of the newly installed officers in their new stations and places in January!

Fraternally yours,

Michael Rotert

November 2021 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East!

I’m sure most of you are in the same mindset I am this time of year.  If I’m not at work or a Lodge event, I’ve been outside raking leaves.  The weather has made this annual chore much more tolerable this year.  I’m still struggling with it still being dark at 7am, but we only have one more week of that and then it’ll be dark at 4:30pm.  Not sure which is worse.

Denver 5 has been very busy over the last few weeks! On October 21st, we Raised Brothers Vincent Naranjo and Mitchell Jouse to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.  The degree teams did excellent work and they were great degrees.  Congratulations to the Brothers!

Denver 5 opened a Lodge on October 27th to hear some proficiencies and practice for receiving the Grand Lodge Officers.  When we arrived, there were different Lodges using every Lodge room in the Welton Temple.  There were degrees being put on in the 4th floor Lodge room, another Lodge was practicing degree work and then we had the last 5th floor Lodge room.  It was so great to see so many Lodges and Brothers doing their work.  It is so great to see that Masonry is alive and well in Denver!

November is a special month for Denver 5.  Our Lodge was established in November of 1859 and November is the month that we celebrate our annual Heritage Night.  This year Heritage Night is being held on November 4th.  We will be receiving the Grand Master of all Masons in Colorado along with members of the Grand Line.  This is an open meeting, which means you are welcome to bring your significant other and your kids.  It’s a great opportunity for them to see the Welton Temple and meet your Brothers and their families.  It is very important that you RSVP for this event to ensure that we have enough food for dinner.  Dinner will be served at 6:30pm with the open Lodge starting at 7:30pm. You can RSVP here.

Another tradition at Denver 5 is our Heritage Raising.  The Heritage Raising differs from our normal Raising as we attempt to recreate what it might have been like to be Raised in 1859.  The Heritage Raising will take place on Thursday, November 11th.  Dinner will be served at 6:30pm, with the Lodge opening at 7:30pm to Raise two Brothers.  I have personally been looking forward to this all year.  This event is only open to Master Masons.  Again, it is important that you RSVP for this event.  You can RSVP here. 

Our last meeting in November is on Thursday, November 18th.  This is going to be a quick meeting as it coincides with the Scottish Rite Reunion.  A number of us who help with the Reunion or are taking part in the Reunion will be at the Consistory all day long and I’ve worked the Brothers of the Officer Line hard enough the last couple of months, so we’ll just have a quick business meeting and head over to a local bar to enjoy a beer and some fellowship. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm with the open Lodge starting at 7:30pm. You can RSVP here.

I look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming events and hope everyone has an excellent Thanksgiving holiday!

Michael Rotert W.M.

October 2021 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East!

The leaves aren’t quite falling yet, but you can feel it in the air that Autumn is just around the corner. I am looking forward to some cooler weather, but not to it being dark at 4:30 pm. Enjoy the sun while you can!

September continued to be a very busy month for Denver Lodge No. 5. We passed eight Brothers to the degree of Fellowcraft. This is amazing progress for the Lodge and the Craft! I have challenged our newly passed Brothers to become proficient in October so that we can work on getting them Raised by the end of the year. I want to congratulate all of them and the dedicated D5 Brothers that helped to put on all of these degrees to the high standards that our Lodge is known for!

We have several upcoming events that you should put on your calendar. On October 7th, Brother Bryan Cummings J.W. will be holding the gavel in the East for this meeting. Along with opening and stepping up and down the degrees, we will be hearing some proficiencies. Please make sure to attend this meeting to support your Brothers. As always, you must RSVP here.

Our second Stated Communication of the month is October 21st. We will be performing Master Mason degrees The degree cast is being put together now, so if you would like to be a part of this, please let me know. Please RSVP here.

On November 4th, the Grand Lodge of Colorado will be making an official visit. This will be an open meeting, so please bring your significant other to the event. More details to come. Please RSVP here.

The deadline for putting in your petition for the Scottish Rite Fall Reunion is quickly approaching. The Denver Consistory is excited because this reunion will be the first in-person reunion since the Fall of 2019! The degree teams are working hard to polish their presentations. If you are a proficient Master Mason and are interested in joining the Consistory, please get your petitions submitted. You can now submit a petition online via the form here.

There is a very interesting event that is being put together by the Brothers of Lupton Lodge No. 119 titled, “A Journey through the Stars: The Secrets of Polynesian Navigation”. It will take place on October 17th, 2021, at the Fiske Planetarium in Boulder. If you are interested in attending, you can reserve your seats here.

The events of the world have affected all of us either at work, school, or at home. It is no different for our Lodge. I want to thank every single Brother who has taken time away from their lives to help get things back to “normal” at Lodge. You are all a major asset to your Lodge and your efforts are greatly appreciated!

I hope everyone is ready for Fall and I look forward to seeing you all this month!

Michael Rotert WM

September 2021 Trestleboard

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Greetings Brothers and Friends!

I want to thank all of you who attended the first annual Masonica event this past weekend!  We had excellent workshops and presentations given by many different Brothers.  I know I learned a few things this weekend and hope you did as well!  One of the highlights of the evening was receiving an original painting of W.B. Henry P.H. Bromwell.  W.B. Bromwell was a prominent Mason and played a big role in the early days of Denver as well as Denver Lodge 5.  I have in turn donated this painting to the Welton Temple Association so that this historical piece can be properly displayed in the Temple.  The after-dinner entertainment was amazing as W.B. Michael Rossi and Bro. Dan Lamorie presented the play “Defense of the Ruffians”.  I want to thank everyone who helped put on this event and joined us on Saturday!

It is now time to get back to work!  September is almost here and that means that it’s time to put down the sunscreen and dust off your suit and tie.  Lodge meetings are back!  We are going to start our September meetings with a step-up night for Bro. James Bechtel S.W.  He will be opening, stepping up and down, and closing the Lodge.  We will have a handful of proficiencies throughout the night.  Please come join us and support Bro. James while he runs the show this Thursday.  Please RSVP for dinner with Bryan Cummings J.W.

After this meeting, we will have seven proficient EA’s who are excited to be passed to the Fellowcraft degree!  We are going to need to break the degrees up over two nights.  The first night of degrees will be during our September 16th meeting.  We will hold a special on September 18th to complete the rest.   Again, we ask that you RSVP with the Junior Warden for both events.  We hope you can join us and help us in bringing these Brothers more light.

I look forward to seeing you all in Lodge!


Here are some shots from Masonica:

Pablo Colomban
WB Pablo Colomban
Bobby Juchem
WB Bobby Juchem
Nick Freeburg
WB Nick Freeburg
WB Robert Johnson presentation
Live streaming WB Robert Johnson for his presentation
W.B. Henry P.H. Bromwell painting
Receiving an original painting of W.B. Henry P.H. Bromwell

W.B. Henry P.H. Bromwell painting

Another amazing performance by WB Michael Rossi and Brother Daniel Lamorie in “Defense of the Ruffians”
Another amazing performance by WB Michael Rossi and Brother Daniel Lamorie in “Defense of the Ruffians”


August 2021 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East!

I hope Summer has been treating everyone well.  I can tell that Fall is approaching as my Masonic calendar is starting to fill up.  

First off, I would like to thank all the Brothers that attended Brother Richard Trabert’s funeral and Celebration of Life on Friday, July 30th.  It was great to see everyone there and to be able to pay a final farewell to our Brother.

Our plans for the Masonica event on August 28th are all coming together.   The speakers, dinner and play are all taken care of, but I know that there will be some last-minute details that we will need help with.  If you are available, please reach out to me directly and I’ll put you to work.  Also, please reach out to Brothers from other Lodges to let them know about the event.  There is a link on the website to RSVP ( http://www.denver5.org/masonica/ ).  There is no cost to attend the event and with the attendance capped at 100 people, you will want to make sure that you get signed up!

I’m happy to announce that the Denver Consistory is going to be having a Fall Reunion.  This Reunion will take place from November 18-20.  If you don’t know what a Reunion is, this is the event that takes place twice each year to confer the Scottish Rite degrees.  It is open to all Master Masons in good standing.  There hasn’t been an in-person Reunion since the Fall of 2019 due to the pandemic, so it is exciting that this event will be moving forward.  If you have any questions about this, you can reach out to me directly.

As I have been laying out the calendar for the remainder of the year, we are going to be doing a lot of degree and proficiency work, so grab your clear text, go sit in the hammock and get to studying.  We have a large group of proficient EA’s that are all eager to get passed and raised before the end of the year.

Fraternally yours,

Michael Rotert, WM


July 2021 Trestleboard

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While we are officially dark for the Summer, there is still a lot going on in the Lodge.

Last weekend on June 26th, we raised Brothers Joshua Fraedrich and Connor Gould to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason at Central City 6.  These were great degrees conferred in a very historical Lodge room.  WB Danny Tomlinson and the other Brothers of Central City 6 were excellent hosts and they fed us well.  I hope that Denver 5 can continue this tradition!

We will be having one meeting this Summer.  On Thursday, July 15, we will be opening on the EA degree to hear proficiencies from our large group of Brothers who have been posting and working hard to become proficient.  This will be an informal meeting, no suits required.  We are all proud of the work you all have put in and look forward to hearing your proficiencies.

Lastly, spots are filling up quickly for our Masonica event on August 28th.  This is going to be a great day for Masonry and for fellowship.  For details about this event and to RSVP, please click here.

This event is open to all Masons, with the post-dinner play being a Master Mason-only event.  Come join us for education and fellowship and get your mind back on the Craft before your Lodge opens back up in the Fall.

On the horizon, the Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree will be held at the Denver Consistory on October 9. Tickets are available here.

I hope you all are enjoying the weather and working on your tans!

Michael Rotert, WM


Some shots from the central 6 Raising:



April 2021 Trestleboard

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Hopefully, everyone’s backs are healed up from shoveling snow after that last storm! Even though it doesn’t quite feel like it yet, Spring is here! 

We have had a productive March.  Bros. Joshua Fraedrich and Connor Gould were passed to the degree of Fellowcraft.  We’re proud of you Brothers!

April looks to also be busy.  Our first meeting of the month is on April 1st.  We will be opening early before dinner to tend to some business, then after dinner, we will be initiating three candidates into the Fraternity.  Make sure you attend this meeting and as always, RSVPs are required for dinner.  You can make your reservation at this link

On April 10th, we will be attending the Boulder Polar Plunge.  This event is being held at the Boulder Reservoir again this year.  If you signed up for this event and haven’t received an email about it from the organizer, please reach out to WB Tom Shotts at tomshotts@comcast.net.  We have printed new t-shirts for the event as well.  

Our second meeting on April 15th will consist of hearing two proficiencies and then cutting out early to enjoy a beer after Lodge.  We did this after the last meeting and it was a great opportunity for fellowship.

The deadline is closely approaching to submit applications for our Annual Scholarship Night.  The applications and essays are due to the Lodge by April 15th.  If you know of anyone who is attending college or a trade school in the Fall, please make sure they turn in an application.  Scholarship Night will be on May 20th.  

March 2021 Trestleboard

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message, Scholarships, Trestleboard Tagged

Greetings from the East!


February has been a great month for Denver Lodge No. 5.  We were able to meet in-person for the first time in 2021 and it felt great to be back in the Lodge room with all of you!  We have been taking precautions to make it a safe environment.  We are still taking temperatures at the door, spacing out in the dining room and the Lodge room.  You are welcome to wear a mask during the meeting as well.  We still ask that you MUST MAKE A RESERVATION.

We had two proficiencies at the last meeting.  Bro. Connor Gould did a great job on his EA proficiency and Bro. Joshua Ruegsegger, J.D. dazzled us with an excellent MM long-form proficiency.  I’m very proud of you both!

Coming up in March things are not slowing down.  We will be opening Lodge early on March 4th at 5:30 pm to hear another EA proficiency and handle some business.  Then after dinner, we will be doing two FC Degrees.  This will be our first time doing degree work this year and we are excited to get back to work.

On March 18th, we will be hearing a presentation from Pablo Colomban, P.M. titled “That Other American Revolution Led by Masons”.  Dinner will be at 6:30 pm and Lodge will open at 7:30.

A couple of reminders:

The scholarship application due date has changed.  The new date is April 15, 2021.  If you know any students that are going to college or trade school in the Fall, please encourage them to apply for the scholarship.  The link to the application can be found online here.

This is a second reminder about paying your dues.  If you have not yet sent a check or paid via Paypal on our website, please do so as soon as possible!

The Boulder Plunge is taking place on April 10th from 8:00 am – 1:30 pm. This is always a fun family activity so bring out the kids and loved ones. This event is also open to any prospective candidates. And if you don’t want to brave the cold waters, they will also be holding a 5k that you can participate in. If you are interested in participating, please contact WB Tom Shotts.

I look forward to seeing you all in March!

Michael Rotert, W.M.

February 2021 Trestleboard

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message, Scholarships, Trestleboard Tagged

Greetings from the East!

I hope this message finds everyone happy and healthy!

Denver Lodge No. 5 has a lot going on this month.

We have a large number of prospects that have been attending our meetings, both in-person on online.  A number of them have put in petitions so we will be looking forward to doing a lot of degree work in the coming weeks.  If you are interested in being involved with putting on these degrees, we would love to have you.  Please reach out to me if you want to be involved.

Our first meeting is on February 4th via Zoom.  We will again open the meeting at 6:30 pm for prospects and then at 7:00 pm, the meeting will be opened to Masons only.  I am going to present a lecture I have been working on called “Truths in your Toolbox”.  If you haven’t already, please contact WB Pablo Colomban to be added to the Zoom list. He will send out a link to the meeting via email a couple of days before the meeting.

We are going to open back up to an in-person Lodge meeting for our second meeting on February 18th.  This is going to be a busy meeting.  We have a lot of proficiency work that has been delayed and a lot of business to take care of.  We want to make sure the building is a safe place to meet.  We will be taking temperatures at the door and will be allowing for social distancing in the dining room.  It is also very possible to spread out in our Lodge room.  You are welcome to wear a mask during Lodge if this makes you feel more comfortable.  As always, there will be hand sanitizer available.  I also want to reiterate that if you are not feeling well, please do not come to Lodge.  We miss seeing everyone in Lodge and want everyone to feel comfortable in attending our meetings! Due to Covid restrictions, your RSVP is required with the Junior Warden so that we can make proper arrangements.

A few last notes…if you have not yet paid your dues, they are now late.  Please use the PayPal tab on our website or send a check to the secretary.  Let’s help save Bro. Secretary from having to send you a late notice.  Also, the scholarship applications are now available to download on our site.  If you know of someone who is interested in applying for the scholarships, we are accepting them now until May 15th.

Hope you all have a great month and I hope to see you soon!

Michael Rotert WM