This is another installment in a series where we will introduce some of our members. These are the up-and-coming leaders of our Fraternity. These are men from all walks of life. Fathers, sons, husbands… and we all call each other Brothers. These are just some of the stories behind Denver Lodge No.5.
Scott was born and raised in New Jersey and now resides in Erie, Colorado. He is married to the love of his life, Holly, and is a father of two, Brooklyn (4) and Bronx (3).
Professionally, Scott provides computing and technology education consultation services. He is also a Trustee for the Town of Erie and serves as a liaison to Erie’s Historic Preservation Board.
Scott enjoys music, vinyl records, playing guitar/drums/etc., history, technology, and computing. He is also a big fan of sushi.
Scott was initiated into Freemasonry at Denver Lodge #5 on October 11, 2014. He currently serves as Denver 5’s Marshal and sits on the Finance and Community Outreach committees.
Scott is a dedicated Brother… always happy to lend a hand and tell a joke. We look forward to seeing him at every event.
Say hi to him at our next meeting.