This is another installment in a series where we will introduce some of our members. These are the up-and-coming leaders of our Fraternity. These are men from all walks of life. Fathers, sons, husbands… and we all call each other Brothers. These are just some of the stories behind Denver Lodge No.5.
Meet Matthew Howze. We’ll let him introduce himself in his own words.
I grew in Washington state and followed my family to Colorado in 2009. I love the great weather and outdoor activities. In my free time I am usually working out, going for a bike ride, or just hangout with friends and family.
After working in the dental industry for 10+ years I changed careers and am now in architectural design. The change has been a fun challenge.
I joined Freemasonry for the Brotherhood, the history and the integrity of the organization and members. I could not be more happy with the support and lessons I have learned.
Matthew has a great future at Denver Lodge No.5. We’re lucky to have him. Say hi to him at our next meeting.