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1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Dinner at 6:30pm, Lodge opens at 7:30pm
(unless otherwise noted)
Every Wednesday
Upcoming Events
Feb 6th – Stated Communication- Short Talk: “Light” – Adrian Fulle, J.D., P.M.
Feb 20th – Stated Communication – Proficiency – MM – Visitation from Nevada 4- Short Talk: History of Nevada 4
Worshipful Master: Stephen Carlson
Senior Warden: James Warner
Junior Warden: Troy Grieg
Treasurer: Josh Ruegsegger P.M.
Secretary: Mike Scott P.M.
Senior Deacon: Conner Gould
Junior Deacon: Adrian Fulle
Senior Steward: Donald Stewart
Junior Steward: Max Petersen
Chaplain: Van Troi Perozo P.M.
Marshall: Kevin Trabert
Tyler: Jim Weekes P.M.
Lodge Members may pay their dues via Stripe or Paypal by selecting their membership type. If using Paypal, don’t forget to give your name and member number in the comments section at checkout. If given the option, choose “send money to friends and family” rather than “pay for goods and services.”
Please, if you are not a member, do not send us money.
To pay via Paypal:
Contact Us
Denver Lodge #5 A.F. & A. M.
1614 Welton St. Denver, CO. 80202
303.534.0939 | DenverNo5@gmail.com
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This Denver area was once a Freemason cemetery, so why was it abandoned?
A liquor store, a yoga studio and several homes and apartment buildings occupy an area of Denver that was once a cemetery for Freemasons and Odd Fellows.