George Washington, one of the most influential founding fathers of our beloved country, wore many hats throughout his historical life. He is one of many famous Masons whose birthday we are celebrating in February: 287 years old! When people asked him about which he enjoyed the most, his presidency or military career, he would say that he enjoyed being a farmer. While many books have been written about George Washington, one of my favorites is The Military 100 by LT Col. Michael Lee Lanning. Manning ranked Washington No. 1 out of 100. His successful military strategy bankrupted the Kingdom of Britain and paved the way for the colonies to form their own country. Masonry had been a part of his life since the age of 20. He was initiated an Enter Apprentice on November 4, 1752, passed to the Fellow Craft degree on March 3, 1753, and was raised to the Master Mason degree August 4, 1753. I truly believe that Masonry made him an even greater man, soldier, surveyor, farmer, politician, leader, and military officer. He is quoted at King David’s Lodge in Newport, Rhode Island in 1790 saying, “being persuaded that a just application of the principles, on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded, must be promotive of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interests of the society, and to be considered by them as a deserving Brother.”
Congratulations to Brothers Richard Melady, Michael Sparrow, and Stephen Carlson on being declared proficient for their Entered Apprentice degree, as well as, being elected to be advanced to the Fellow Craft Degree. They will be receiving their Fellow Craft Degree on the 2nd Stated Communication (February 21st). I would also like to congratulate Brothers Brian Umbarger, Brenton Moland, and Tim McDowel on being passed to the Fellow Craft Degree.
Denver Lodge No. 5 had an official visit to Albert Pike Lodge No. 117 on January 9 in which the lodge put on a Fellow Craft Degree. Many Brothers attended the Knights of Saint Andrew’s Burn’s Supper at the Denver Consistory on January 19. It was a huge success! The Burn’s supper had excellent food including the tasting of haggis, music of bag pipes, performance of Scottish songs, and Burns poetry.
February will be a busy month! Our first Stated Communication on February 7 will feature Brother Rick Haskel . He will give a lecture on Psalm 133. Brother Rick is a past master of Rob Morris Lodge No. 92 and Pythagoras Lodge No. 41 in Denver. He is also a District Lecturer and current sitting Junior Warden of Enlightenment Lodge No. 198. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and Lodge will open at 7:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Brother Michael Rotert, J.W. Also, the 160th Anniversary Challenge Coins are in! Brothers, I’m ready to shake your hand and give you a coin!
Denver Lodge No. 5 will be visiting Paul Revere Lodge No. 130 on February 20. Worshipful Brother Bobby Juchem will be hosting a table lodge and will feature a discussion on Paul Revere. Please RSVP with Brother Michael Rotert, J.W.
At our second Stated Communication on February 21, Brothers Richard Melady, Michael Sparrow, and Stephen Carlson will receive their Fellow Craft Degree. Brother Kevin Trabert, S.W. is putting together a cast list for the Fellow Craft Degree. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and lodge will open at 7:30 p.m. Please RSVP with Brother Michael Rotert, J.W. For the cast, there will be a practice on February 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Our upcoming Germania Lodge No. 46 presentation will be relocated to the Denver Consistory on Friday,April 12. The joint communication with Union Lodge No. 7 will be at Welton Masonic Temple the following day, April 13. Please RSVP no later than March 1 with Michael Rotert, J.W.