March 2023 Trestleboard

Pablo Colomban Events, Masonic quotes, Master's Message, Trestleboard Tagged

Greetings from the East!   

First I’d like to congratulate our Junior Past Master James Bechtel for receiving the honor lodge award from Grand Lodge for his year, 2022. We presented the lodge with the plaque at the last meeting, I hope to continue the tradition this year and know that with all the Brothers help we will achieve it.  I’d also like to congratulate Brothers  Romini Sherali, Brian Neeper and Donald Stewart for receiving their third degree at our first meeting in February.

Our annual participation in the Special Olympics polar plunge is coming up quickly. This year it is being held March 11th at Boulder Reservoir. Come out and show your support for the cause and spend time with your Brothers! WB Tom Shoots needs to get our list of participants in ASAP so rsvp to him here right away, please. 

Note* The lodge will not be doing the St Paddy’s day parade this year as it falls on the same day as the polar plunge. 

The first meeting in March I look forward to a lively discussion on lodge culture and expectations so think about what it is that brings you to lodge, what gets you excited and what are you looking forward to in the future. RSVP for dinner here.

Our second meeting we have a guest speaker, Brother Ryan Wallace, member of Research Lodge of Colorado, giving his talk on “Freemasonry and Morality”.  RSVP for dinner here.

Upcoming events: Denver Lodge is sponsoring the Scottish Rite’s Clays for a Cause and Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Community’s golf tournament.  Spots are available and are first come first serve,  RSVP you interest to WB Pablo Colomban.

“We Mason’s are among the fortunate ones who are taught to meet together with others opposing convictions or competitive ideas and yet respect each others as Brothers.”  -Albert Pike

June 2019 Trestleboard

Pablo Colomban Masonic quotes, Master's Message, Scholarships, Trestleboard Tagged Tags: ,

Summer is almost upon us!!!  Wow!  What a first 6 months!!!  We have done a lot so far and I want to thank all of you for your dedication to Denver Lodge No. 5.  We will be holding a special to raise two more brothers on May 30th:  Michael Sparrow and Brenton Moland.  Dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by the Master Mason’s degree at 7:00 PM.  Please RSVP with Michael Rotert, JW.

Congratulations to Brothers Stephen Carlson, Richard Melady, Brian Umbarger, and Will Berry who were raised to the Master Mason degree!  Brother Joshua Ruegsegger was initiated into the craft.  Also, Congratulations to Brother Tim McDowel who became a proficient Fellow Craft.

Scholarship night was a huge success with over 100 people attending.  Denver Lodge No. 5 awarded 12 scholarships to worthy students who will be continuing on with their educational journey.  Awards for Police Officer of the year, Matt Kandt and Community Service, Pati Sawyer Boex were given.  Margaret Newby and Mason Sellers were our guest speakers and gave inspirational speeches to all who attended.

As summer approaches, our fraternity will be continuing to be active: Not dark, but dim.  Posting will continue on Wednesdays at the Welton Masonic Temple on the 5th at 6:30 PM.  Please reach out to Brother James Betchel, SS if you have questions on or about posting.  The Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus Golf Tournament will be on Friday, July 19th.  Eight Brothers from D5 will be participating to bring brotherly love and most of all, help with charity with this fantastic event.  Denver 5 will be sponsoring hole No. 5 again this year.  The Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus picnic will be August 17th from 10AM to 2PM.  It will be at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus.  Please come and enjoy!  I will be planning a cigar night this summer.  If you are interested in attending, please reach out to me and I will put your name on the list.

Our first Stated Communication on June 6th will be a business meeting to read suspensions and include proficiencies.  Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and lodge will start at 7:30 p.m.  Please RSVP with Michael Rotert, JW.

Denver Lodge No. 5 will be having a Stated Communication on August 1st.  We will be having a step up night and Brother Michael Rotert will be going up and down the degrees as Worshipful Master.  Our meeting will include proficiencies.  Dinner will be a 6:30 PM and lodge will start at 7:30 PM.  Please RSVP with Michael Rotert, JW.

“Masonry aims at the promotion of morality and higher living by the cultivation of the social side of man, the rousing in him of the instincts of charity and love of his kind.  It rests surely on the foundation of the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God”  -William Howard Taft

C. Curtis Robinson III, WM
Denver Lodge #5 A.F.&A.M.