June 2020 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East,

Wow!  What a crazy year this has been so far!  I hope everyone has emerged from the pandemic with good health and are returning to normalcy in your lives.  I know I have missed everyone and I can’t wait to return to Lodge for fellowship and brotherly love.

Denver Lodge No.5 will hold a Zoom meeting on June 18, 2020, at 7:30 PM to discuss the plan for reopening the Lodge and the schedule of Lodge activities for the summer.  I highly encourage everyone to attend this Zoom meeting to provide input.  Discussion topics will include:

  • Timeframe and concerns of resuming in-person meetings
  • When to conduct degree work over the summer
  • Fun lodge & family activity
  • Committee reports from:  Membership & Posting, Visitation, and Community Outreach

No lodge meeting on July 2, 2020.  Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July celebration!

Denver Lodge No.5 will begin meeting in person on July 16, 2020, with dinner at 6:30 PM and lodge to follow at 7:30 PM.  Please RSVP to Brother Sean Murphy, JW to ensure we are able to meet the necessary COVID guidelines.  As we return to lodge, we will adopt the current safety protocols of social distancing, limiting physical touch, and wearing masks while not able to maintain physical distance.  Please note that the lodge building has been thoroughly cleaned while we’ve been away and will continue to be cleaned on a routine basis.  All Freemasons are encouraged to determine whether to attend lodge based on your individual health and risk factors and those of your family.  We’d love to see you in lodge, but at no time should you feel compelled to attend lodge against the best interests of your health and welfare.  Please remain flexible as we adapt to changes in the COVID guidance and as the protest situation around downtown changes.

Typically, the lodge will “go dark” during the summer months.  Historically, this was because the miners would return to the mountains in search of precious metals.  Contemporarily, the reason is to allow for family vacations and relaxation.  Since we have a lot of masonic work left to be done, I plan on holding stated and special communications during the summer.  I understand that some of you may miss lodge activities due to vacations or other summer events.  Stay tuned to the trestle board and website for upcoming meetings and degree work.

I hope everyone had the chance during the pandemic to contemplate on the glorious works of creation and reflect on our masonic teachings.  Patience, temperance, fortitude, immortality, and perseverance were just a few of our virtues that I found myself contemplating over the past few months.  And just as I thought we were emerging from the darkness, society found itself in the middle of protests and riots.  These recent events reminded me of our duties that are given to us in the Entered Apprentice Charge; please refresh yourselves on these duties.  We, as Freemasons, are the bedrock of our nation.  Now more than ever in our lifetimes we must be there to support, encourage, and assist as our nation rebuilds.  Let’s celebrate the diversity of Denver Lodge as we dwell together in unity and use it to our advantage as we spread light throughout society.


Kevin Trabert
Worshipful Master
Denver Lodge #5 A.F. & A.M