Greetings from the East!
The temperature is dropping and the pumpkin spice lattes are flowing! I love this time of year. September was another great month at D5. We started it off with an enlightening, historical presentation by W.B. Van-Troi Perozo. We also had a Joint Communication with the six Welton Street Temple Lodges to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of England. We saw hard work come to fruition with three Brothers doing their Fellowcraft Proficiencies and are now ready to be Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. We had the pleasure of hosting Brethren visiting us from Brazil and England amongst other places. The Golf League had a Happy Hour outing at Park Hill Golf course and we had a blast! If you are interested in joining the league, please contact me.
We keep the momentum going in October with a lot of fun activities. For our first Stated on October 5th, we’ll be meeting at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement home. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm with Lodge opening at 7:30 pm on the Master Mason Degree.
We will be initiating four new Brethren at our second Stated on October 19th. We will be starting at 5 pm with a break for dinner at 6:30 pm. Join us as we bring Light to these new Brothers!
Denver Lodge No.5 will be sponsoring some Brethren to attend this year’s Colorado Masonic Symposium, October 14th-15th. If you are interested in attending, please contact Bro. Michael Rossi, P.M.
We also have plans for a Hockey game at DU, a night at the Colorado Ballet and a cigar night in the next few weeks. Contact me for more details.
I don’t want to jump too far ahead, but our Heritage Week is coming up in November. We will celebrate Denver Lodge No. 5’s long history in Colorado, first at our Stated Communication on November 2nd. This will be an “Open to the Public” meeting as we receive the Grand Master. Then on November 4th, we will be having our first Denver Lodge No.5 Heritage Raising. You won’t want to miss either one of these events. If you are interested in participating in the Master Mason Degrees, please let me know as the cast sheet is filling up fast.
That’s all for now, but check our website and Facebook page regularly for new events and updates.
See you at Lodge!
Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M.