
Meet Tim

Pablo Colomban Meet Denver 5 Tagged Tags: , , , ,

This is another installment in a series where we will introduce some of our members. These are the up-and-coming leaders of our Fraternity. These are men from all walks of life. Fathers, sons, husbands… and we all call each other Brothers. These are just some of the stories behind Denver Lodge No.5.

Meet Tim McDowell.

Tim grew up in Pennsylvania, went to culinary school in New England, and arrived in Colorado on July 4th, 1999. The mountains were calling and he’s never looked back! He is an avid cyclist, snowboarder, cinephile, and cook. He has degrees in the Culinary Arts, Film Studies, and Business Management. Tim is an entrepreneur at heart and has worked for himself for over a decade. Tim, his wife Lisa, and son Sylvan live in Denver, CO. He became a Freemason in April of 2018 at Denver Lodge No.5. Both of his Grandfathers were Freemasons in Pennsylvania. The tenets of Freemasonry have helped him become a better husband, father and to find the balance of work/life.

D5 is lucky to have Tim as Junior Warden this year. Say hi to him at our next meeting.

April 2018 Trestle Board

Pablo Colomban Master's Message, Scholarships, Trestleboard Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East Brethren,

Spring has again sprung before us Brethren, and let us plan accordingly.

I want to first congratulate the brothers that received their Fellow Craft degree at the joint communication with Highlands 86. The degree team again excelled and a good Masonic day was had by all.

Our first stated communication April 5, we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree upon three well-deserving candidates. The lodge will open early at 5:30 to ensure we have ample time to devote to the candidates. Please plan accordingly, your attendance will be greatly received as these candidates are prepared to receive light. RSVP with Jr. Warden Kevin Trabert.

Brethren we will be visiting East Denver Lodge # 160 on April 11. Lodge opens at 6:30 and they are located at 1370 Grant St. the southeast corner of 13th and Grant. After their stated communication, they typically go out to dinner. Please RSVP with Sw. Curt Robinson.

Our stated communication on April 19th we will have an open discussion on the True Passion of life. We will discuss what we as Mason are truly here to do. This will be open to all degrees. We will also hear Brother TJ Ward give his account on this subject. Please RSVP with Jr. Warden Kevin Trabert.

Brethren our scholarship application deadline has been extended to April 17, so if you know a well deserving student let’s get those applications in.

“Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Kory Wilson, W.M.
Denver Lodge No. 5 A.F.& A.M.

February 2018 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East Brethren,

First and foremost I would like to congratulate Brothers Gareth Alexander, Will Barry, and Ben Allen on the completion of their Entered Apprentice proficiencies. Excellent job Brothers. They will be receiving their Fellow Craft degree on March 10 at Highlands Masonic Temple. More info coming soon.

As we get started with the month of February, our first Stated Communication on February 1st will include proficiencies on the Entered Apprentice Degree and the Master Mason Degree. These Brothers have worked extremely hard to get this done, let’s make sure we’re there to fully support their hard work. Dinner at 6:30 pm and Lodge will open at 7:30 pm. RSVP with Kevin Trabert, JW.

Our second Stated Communication on February 18th will be Past Master’s night. We will have the honor of paying homage to some  Worshipful Brothers who have set the standard, not only in Denver Lodge No. 5, but in Masonry itself. Worshipful Brothers and Brethren check your calendars and please plan on attending. Dinner at 6:30 pm and Lodge will open at 7:30 pm. RSVP with Kevin Trabert, JW.

Brethren, if any of you would like to participate in this year’s Polar Plunge, time is running out. The plunge is March 3rd at the Boulder Reservoir. If you would like to participate, please get in contact with Worshipful Brother Tom Shotts for more information. I would like not to have to withdraw our participation in the plunge this year, but we need more Brothers to make it happen.

“Your trust being in God, your faith is well founded”

Kory Wilson, W.M.

Denver Lodge No. 5 A.F. & A.M

december trestleboard

December 2017

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message, Trestleboard Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East,

It is with a heavy heart that I start typing my final Trestleboard for Denver Lodge No.5. I’m reminded of the fable of “Solomon’s Seal” where a sultan requests King Solomon to bring him a sentence that would have the ability to make the happy man sad and the sad man happy. Solomon responds with, “This too shall pass”.

And while I’ll be sad to descend those three steps in the East a final time, I take solace in the amazing, forward-thinking leadership Denver Lodge No. 5 has in its future. I’ve had the pleasure of working with these Brothers throughout the past years and I have great trust in handing over the keys.

It has been a great honor serving the Lodge all these years and in particular, serving as Worshipful Master. I had a great time and I hope you all did as well. We were busy with a lot of work, but there were plenty of fun extracurricular activities to join in on as well. November was no exception. We received the Grand Master’s representatives at our annual Heritage Night. It was great seeing so many faces in attendance.

I was extremely excited at how well our first “Heritage Raising” turned out! Not only was the degree work exceptional, but I feel that the theme and general ambiance of the night was a hit! Thanks again to R.W.B. Kevin Townley for the amazing banjo performance and congratulations to Bro. Sean Murphy and Bro. James Bechtel for winning the costume contest. Most importantly, congrats to the four Brothers Raised that evening, Brothers James Bechtel, David Bralish, Dan Rosales, and Jordan Rice. It wouldn’t have been so successful without everyone’s participation!

Bro. Jonny Aderhold treated us to a D.U. Pioneers hockey game on the 10th and even gave us a tour of the arena! Thanks, Bro. Jonny!

Our first Stated will be our Annual Communicationon December 7th which will be our election night as well as committee reports. Please attend not only to let your voices be heard but also to support our newly elected officers. Please RSVP.

My final meeting as Master will be on December 21st. As it has become customary, this meeting will be an Agape Dinner and my chance to say goodbye and thank you for the honor of serving the Lodge this past year. I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as I have. Dinner promises to be excellent and there will be a commemorative glass for those who attend.  Open to Masons only, please. E.A and above. We will hold a brief meeting open on the E.A. degree ta 5:30 pm. The 6:30 pm dinner will be catered and glasses are limited so please RSVP.

The Installation Night for the 2018 officers will be held at 6:30 pm on Saturday, December 30th. The installation and dinner will be open to the public. Please RSVP.

For those of you who missed our last Stated, the Lodge once again voted to sponsor a couple tables at the Denver Consistory Burns Night Supper on Saturday, January 20th, 2018. We will cover your meal which begins at 7:00 pm. If you’d like to participate in the Whisky College which starts at 6 pm, then you must reserve with the Consistory yourself and pay the $15 fee. Space for the dinner is limited, so if you’d like to attend and join our tables please RSVP with me. First come first serve.

That’s all for me folks. I wish you all a great holiday season. Next year, you can find me on the sidelines. Stick around, I know we’re going to have a wonderful time.

See you at Lodge!

Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M.

November 2017

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message, Trestleboard Tagged Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East!

I’d like to congratulate and welcome our newest Entered Apprentices, Bro. Will Berry, Bro. Andy Tuitele, Bro. Ben Allen, and Bro. Gareth Alexander. The degree itself was superb and the turnout on the sidelines truly inspiring. Thank you all!

We had a great Stated Communication on October 5th at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Home and enjoyed our time with the Brethren there. I hope it’s something we can repeat in the years to come.

November is a special month for Denver Lodge No. 5. The first recorded meeting of Masons, and what would become Denver Lodge No. 5, was held on November 3rd, 1858. And so, every year in the first week of November, Denver Lodge No. 5 commemorates their heritage. We have some exciting events planned for this year.

At our first Stated Communication on Thursday, November 2nd we’ll be receiving the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Vernon R. Turner, and his Grand Lodge Officer Line. We will also have a presentation on “frontier life” by Brother John “Ramrod” Russell and will be presenting a 25-year member pin. This meeting will be open to the public so please invite your friends and families. Bro. Ramrod’s presentation is a hit with the kids so make sure to bring them along! Come join us for this special event! Lodge will open at 5:30 pm on the MM degree to take care of some Lodge Business.  Dinner will be at 6:30 pm. Presentations will begin at 7:30 pm. RSVP.

Continuing with the heritage theme, I’m excited to announce the first ever Denver Lodge No.5 Heritage Raising on Saturday, November 4th. We will be Raising four Brothers to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason while trying to create an atmosphere similar to the one perhaps experienced by our Founding Brothers. Our Labors will be done by candlelight alone, the fare will be one typically found in the 19th century West, and Right Worshipful Brother Kevin Townley will provide musical entertainment during dinner. We will also be treated to a special toast by W.B. Nick Freeburg. Lodge will open on the Master Mason Degree at 3:00 pm. We will Raise three Brothers before we break for dinner at 6:30 pm. Lodge will return to Labor at 7:30 pm for the final degree in long form. As a bonus, while not required, we encourage all attendees to come dressed in Victorian-era fashion. We will choose a winner by vote for “Best Dressed” and I will pay for their 2018 Denver Lodge No. 5 Dues. Come celebrate not just Denver Lodge No.5’s long history, but Colorado Freemasonry at large! RSVP

On Friday, November 10th, come out and join us for Denver 5 Rink Night and watch the DU Pioneers take on St. Cloud State! The game starts at 7:05 pm.  Open to Denver Lodge No.5 Members and family only. We have limited seats available and they’ll fill up fast. First come, first serve. RSVP.

Our second Stated Communication on Thursday, November 16th will be reserved for hearing some proficiencies and catching up on various Lodge business. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm and Lodge will open at 7:30 pm on the E.A. degree.

That’s all for now, but check our website and Facebook page regularly for new events and updates.

See you at Lodge!

Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M. K

October 2017

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East!

The temperature is dropping and the pumpkin spice lattes are flowing! I love this time of year. September was another great month at D5. We started it off with an enlightening, historical presentation by W.B. Van-Troi Perozo. We also had a Joint Communication with the six Welton Street Temple Lodges to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of England. We saw hard work come to fruition with three Brothers doing their Fellowcraft Proficiencies and are now ready to be Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. We had the pleasure of hosting Brethren visiting us from Brazil and England amongst other places. The Golf League had a Happy Hour outing at Park Hill Golf course and we had a blast! If you are interested in joining the league, please contact me.

We keep the momentum going in October with a lot of fun activities. For our first Stated on October 5th, we’ll be meeting at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement home. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm with Lodge opening at 7:30 pm on the Master Mason Degree.

We will be initiating four new Brethren at our second Stated on October 19th.  We will be starting at 5 pm with a break for dinner at 6:30 pm. Join us as we bring Light to these new Brothers!

Denver Lodge No.5 will be sponsoring some Brethren to attend this year’s Colorado Masonic SymposiumOctober 14th-15th. If you are interested in attending, please contact Bro. Michael Rossi, P.M.

We also have plans for a Hockey game at DU, a night at the Colorado Ballet and a cigar night in the next few weeks. Contact me for more details.

I don’t want to jump too far ahead, but our Heritage Week is coming up in November. We will celebrate Denver Lodge No. 5’s long history in Colorado, first at our Stated Communication on November 2nd. This will be an “Open to the Public” meeting as we receive the Grand Master. Then on November 4th, we will be having our first Denver Lodge No.5 Heritage Raising. You won’t want to miss either one of these events. If you are interested in participating in the Master Mason Degrees, please let me know as the cast sheet is filling up fast.

That’s all for now, but check our website and Facebook page regularly for new events and updates.

See you at Lodge!

Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M.

September 2017

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East,

Welcome back to Light! I hope everyone had a great summer. I, for one, am happy to get back to Lodge! Not that we have been idle, mind you. We Passed three Fellowcrafts in July (Bros. Dan Rosales, David Bralish and James Bechtel) and Raised two Master Masons in August as part of the annual Ghost Town Raising. Congratulations to our newest Master Masons, Bro. Duncan Kish and Bro. Michael Sullivan.

We had plenty of fun summer activities with the D5 Golf League and the Rod & Gun Club. We also had the opportunity to attend the first ever “Fraternity in the Quarry” at Coors Field. Denver Lodge No.5 even got a shout out on the big screen during the 5th inning! If you are interested in joining the Golf League, Rod & Gun Club, or have an idea for any fun events, please let me know.

Coming up for our first Stated on September 7th, WB Van-Troi Perozo will give us a brief look into the lives of the original officers of Colorado’s oldest Masonic Lodge, Denver Lodge No.5 and their impact in Colorado Freemasonry. This promises to be an excellent topic that any Colorado Mason will enjoy, not just Denver Lodge No. 5 members. Come celebrate Freemasonry’s long history in the Centennial State. RSVP

It has been 300 years since four Lodges in London came together and established the world’s first Grand Lodge in 1717. On September 16th 2017, 300 years after this historic meeting, the six Lodges that meet at the Welton Street Temple will come together for a joint meeting to commemorate this illustrious event.  Please join us in celebrating the 300th anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of England. RSVP

We have reserved our September 21st Stated for the purposes of hearing some proficiencies and other Lodge business. As always, dinner will be at 6:30pm and Lodge will begin at 7:30pm. I look forward to seeing all of you again!

See you at Lodge!

Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M.

Matthew Howze

Meet Matthew

Pablo Colomban Meet Denver 5 Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

This is another installment in a series where we will introduce some of our members. These are the up-and-coming leaders of our Fraternity. These are men from all walks of life. Fathers, sons, husbands… and we all call each other Brothers. These are just some of the stories behind Denver Lodge No.5.

Meet Matthew Howze. We’ll let him introduce himself in his own words.

I grew in Washington state and followed my family to Colorado in 2009. I love the great weather and outdoor activities. In my free time I am usually working out, going for a bike ride, or just hangout with friends and family.

After working in the dental industry for 10+ years I changed careers and am now in architectural design. The change has been a fun challenge.

I joined Freemasonry for the Brotherhood, the history and the integrity of the organization and members. I could not be more happy with the support and lessons I have learned. 

Matthew has a great future at Denver Lodge No.5. We’re lucky to have him. Say hi to him at our next meeting.

Duncan Kish

Meet Duncan

Pablo Colomban Meet Denver 5 Tagged Tags: , , , ,

This is another installment in a series where we will introduce some of our members. These are the up-and-coming leaders of our Fraternity. These are men from all walks of life. Fathers, sons, husbands… and we all call each other Brothers. These are just some of the stories behind Denver Lodge No.5.

J. Duncan Kish is Colorado native who grew up in Greenwood Village and attended Cherry Creek High school. He later graduated from the University of Colorado, Denver, with a B.S. in Chemistry. Duncan currently resides in the Golden Triangle neighborhood with his Fiancé and works in sales at a small Denver-based company.

Duncan has long been interested in Masonry, in large part due to his father, JD Kish, a Brother of George Washington Lodge No.161 in South Denver. Duncan was initiated and passed at Holland Lodge No.1 in Houston Texas back in 2016. But, due to fortuitous circumstances, he was able to relocate back to his home state where he can continue his Masonic journey at Denver Lodge No.5.

In his spare time, Duncan enjoys hiking the outdoors—often in Grand Lake, Colorado– relaxing with friends, and playing golf. His biggest passion, however, is flying. Duncan obtained his student pilot’s license when he was sixteen, and since then splits his time between the ground and the sky. He frequently can be found around Centennial airport on the weekends either flying or just watching planes.

Duncan always has a smile on his face and we’re excited to have him back in Denver!

Say hi to him at our next meeting.

Summer 2017

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East,

It is hard to believe that summer is upon us and my year in the East is almost half over. It certainly feels like its going by too fast and there is hardly enough time to get everything done. But we’re having a good time trying, aren’t we?!

In the month of May we visited Lupton Lodge and it was great to see what those Brothers are doing to revive the Lodge there! We were also treated to a performance by W.B. Michael Rossi and Bro. Daniel Lamorie who put on “Defense of the Ruffian,” a one-act play. They did an amazing job and I hope to put on another play soon. We had a great turn-out for scholarship night with about 80 people coming to support nine promising college students. We also honored Stephanie Walsh, our Teacher of the Year and Trooper Nicholas Hazlett, our Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.

The fraternal activities are thriving with great turn-outs at the cigar nights and a golf outings. With the weather warming up, now we can look forward to more outside activities like shooting and fishing.

While we are technically “dark” for the summer months, we still have plenty of work to do. June 1st we will be holding a Stated Communication to hear proficiencies and the final reading of names for suspensions. If you know of a Brother who is late with his dues, please urge him for a speedy payment! Pending the proficiencies, we may be having a Fellowcraft Degree sometime in July. We will notify everyone once a date is set. June 10th is the annual Ghost Town Raising at Nevada Lodge. If you haven’t attended before, come out for a real treat! On June 16th we will be participating once again in the annual Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus Golf Tournament. We sponsored hole #5 and we have four Brothers participating this year.  Speaking of the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus, mark your calendars for their annual picnic and car show on August 19th. Denver 5 always has a strong presence and I hope to see you all there. On August 17th  we will be holding a Master Mason degree. If you would like a part, please let me know.

That’s all for now. Have a great summer and I hope to see you at Lodge soon!

Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M.