Greeting from the East brethren,
As the heat of the summer months is slowly dwelling down, it’s time for us the head back into the quarries of Masonry.
Our first Stated Communication in August is on August 16th. Dinner will be served and 6:30, and Lodge will open promptly at 7:30. We will be reading the results of two investigations and clearing up any business from the first part of the year. Please RSVP with the Jr. Warden, Kevin Trabert.
August 18th is the annual Eastern Star Masonic Picnic and car show. There will be great food and music. Also, if you have children please bring them as there will be plenty of fun activities for them to enjoy. The address for the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus is 2445 S. Quebec St., Denver. The picnic and car show will begin at 11 am and will to wrap up around 2 pm. Please plan on attending.
Our first Stated Communication in September will be September 6th. We will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree upon two well-deserving candidates. Dinner will be served at 6:30, and Lodge will promptly be opened and 7:30. Please plan on attending, as these two candidates receive light in masonry. Please RSVP with the Jr. Warden, Kevin Trabert.
On Saturday, September 8th, we will have a Special Communication to confer the Entered Apprentice degree upon three very well deserving candidates. Lodge will open at 9 am with the degrees to start immediately after. Lunch to follow. Please plan on attending, and Please RSVP with the Jr. Warden, Kevin Trabert.
Our second Stated Communication in September will take place on the 20th. We will be conferring the Master Mason Degrees upon Brother Will Berrett. As all Master Masons remember that joyous time, let us all plan on attending and supporting our Brother. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm and Lodge will promptly open at 7:30. Please RSVP with the Jr. Warden, Kevin Trabert.
“If you want to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today”
Kory Wilson, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M.