February 2025 Trestleboard

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Greetings from the East!

As we get ready to move into February, which is traditionally a month filled with expressions of romantic love, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on the type of love that truly unites us as Masons – Brotherly Love.

Romantic love with all its intensity can be wonderful, but it’s often fleeting, conditional, and can quickly change with circumstances. Sometimes even the best of intentions get tested and fail. But Brotherly Love is something far stronger. It’s the kind of love that is rooted in respect, care, and an unwavering commitment to support each other through whatever challenges life may throw our way.

As Masons, we share a bond that’s built not on temporary emotions, but on something much more enduring. Brotherly Love means standing by each other through thick and thin. It’s about helping each other grow, lifting each other up when we’re down, and celebrating together when things are good. It’s not about what we can get from one another, but what we can give.

As we navigate the chocolate isles, flower stores, dinner plans, and all the other reminders of romantic love next month, let’s all take a moment to remember the special kind of love we have for one another as Brothers. It’s a love that doesn’t fade or vanish. It is strong, dependable, and rooted in the shared belief that we’re all in this together. As Masons, men, and as a Lodge

I encourage you all in February to not only reflect on what Brotherly Love means, but to live it out each day. Let’s be the brothers who show up for one another, who lend a helping hand, and who treat each other with the kind of respect and care that truly reflects the values that our Lodge stands for.

Fraternally and appreciatively,
Stephen Carlson
Worshipful Master
Denver Lodge No.5


Stated Communications:

Our meetings are held the first and third Thursdays of each month and typically dinner will be served at 6:30pm with Lodge following at 7:30pm.

Feb 6th – Stated Communication- Short Talk: “Light” – Adrian Fulle, J.D., P.M.
Feb 20th – Stated Communication – Proficiency – MM – Visitation from Nevada 4- Short Talk: History of Nevada 4


Every Wednesday Night 6:30 pm to 8:30pm

Upcoming Events in February

Lodge Officers – 2025
Worshipful Master – Stephen Carlson
Senior Warden – James Warner
Junior Warden – Troy Greig
Treasurer – Josh Ruegsegger, P.M.
Secretary – Mike Scott, P.M.
Senior Deacon – Conner Gould
Junior Deacon – Adrian Fulle, P.M.
Senior Steward – Donald Stewart
Junior Steward – Max Petersen
Marshal – Kevin Trabert, P.M.
Chaplain – Van Troi Perozo, P.M.
Tiler – Jim Weeks, P.M.






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