June 2019 Trestleboard

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Summer is almost upon us!!!  Wow!  What a first 6 months!!!  We have done a lot so far and I want to thank all of you for your dedication to Denver Lodge No. 5.  We will be holding a special to raise two more brothers on May 30th:  Michael Sparrow and Brenton Moland.  Dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by the Master Mason’s degree at 7:00 PM.  Please RSVP with Michael Rotert, JW.

Congratulations to Brothers Stephen Carlson, Richard Melady, Brian Umbarger, and Will Berry who were raised to the Master Mason degree!  Brother Joshua Ruegsegger was initiated into the craft.  Also, Congratulations to Brother Tim McDowel who became a proficient Fellow Craft.

Scholarship night was a huge success with over 100 people attending.  Denver Lodge No. 5 awarded 12 scholarships to worthy students who will be continuing on with their educational journey.  Awards for Police Officer of the year, Matt Kandt and Community Service, Pati Sawyer Boex were given.  Margaret Newby and Mason Sellers were our guest speakers and gave inspirational speeches to all who attended.

As summer approaches, our fraternity will be continuing to be active: Not dark, but dim.  Posting will continue on Wednesdays at the Welton Masonic Temple on the 5th at 6:30 PM.  Please reach out to Brother James Betchel, SS if you have questions on or about posting.  The Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus Golf Tournament will be on Friday, July 19th.  Eight Brothers from D5 will be participating to bring brotherly love and most of all, help with charity with this fantastic event.  Denver 5 will be sponsoring hole No. 5 again this year.  The Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus picnic will be August 17th from 10AM to 2PM.  It will be at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus.  Please come and enjoy!  I will be planning a cigar night this summer.  If you are interested in attending, please reach out to me and I will put your name on the list.  ccurtisrobinson@yahoo.com

Our first Stated Communication on June 6th will be a business meeting to read suspensions and include proficiencies.  Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and lodge will start at 7:30 p.m.  Please RSVP with Michael Rotert, JW.

Denver Lodge No. 5 will be having a Stated Communication on August 1st.  We will be having a step up night and Brother Michael Rotert will be going up and down the degrees as Worshipful Master.  Our meeting will include proficiencies.  Dinner will be a 6:30 PM and lodge will start at 7:30 PM.  Please RSVP with Michael Rotert, JW.

“Masonry aims at the promotion of morality and higher living by the cultivation of the social side of man, the rousing in him of the instincts of charity and love of his kind.  It rests surely on the foundation of the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God”  -William Howard Taft

C. Curtis Robinson III, WM
Denver Lodge #5 A.F.&A.M.

May 2019 Trestleboard

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message, Trestleboard Tagged Tags: , ,

Congratulations to Brothers Stephen Carlson, Richard Melady, Michael Sparrow, Brian Umbarger, and Brenton Moland being proficient Fellow Crafts!  Also, Congratulations to Brother Ben Allen who became a proficient Master Mason.  Germania No. 46 weekend was a huge success and had great attendance for both Friday and Saturday nights.  I wish to thank Denver Lodge No. 5, Union Lodge No. 7, Knights of Saint Andrew, Denver Consistory, Tom Fesing, U.S. Mint and Worshipful Brother Bobby Juchem: Denver Capital tour.  I appreciate all the hard work and it definitely paid off!  Denver Lodge No. 5 visited Harmony Lodge No. 61 on April 15thand heard an intriguing presentation on Rosslyn Chapel.

Our first Stated Communication on May 2nd, Mr. Joshua Ruegsegger will be receiving his Entered Apprentice Degree.  Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and lodge will start at 7:30 p.m.  Please RSVP with Brother Michael Rotert, J.W.

James Naismith was a physical education teacher, physician, chaplain, sports coach, inventor of basketball, and free mason.  He wrote the original basketball rules book and founded the University of Kansas basketball program.  Scholarships have grown tremendously from the days that Worshipful brother/coach James Naismith started in 1898!!  Scholarships are a necessary means for young students to help themselves with paying for college.  The rising costs of tuition, books, supplies, housing, utilities, and transportation requires significant consideration and creativity on part of the individual.  Our second Stated Communication is on May 16th is Scholarship night!!!  There will be a early business meeting before dinner at 5:30 p.m. Brother Tim McDowel will be doing his Fellow Craft proficiency.  Dinner will start at 6:30 p.m. and an open lodge meeting will start at 7:30 p.m.  Denver Lodge No. 5 welcomes all scholarship nominees!  Mason Sellers will be giving a presentation and our main speaker is Margaret Newby.  All our welcome!!!  Please RSVP with Brother Michael Rotert, J.W.

Please join us for raising 5 proficient fellow crafts on May 18th, at 9:00 A.M. at the Welton Masonic Temple.  Lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP to Michael Rotert, JW if you will be attending.

Denver Lodge No. 5 will be visiting Aurora No. 156 for their annual Feast of the Beast celebration which is May 18th at Aurora No. 156:  1615 Florence Street, Aurora, CO  80010.  There is a Axe Throwing contest.  All our welcome!   Please bring a meat dish of your choice and a made up story.  If you have any further questions, contact me.  ccurtisrobinson@yahoo.com

“Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals.”  James Naismith, P.M.

C. Curtis Robinson III, WM

October 2018 Trestleboard

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Greeting from the East Brethren,

The year is flying by, but we still have work in the quarries to attend to.

Our first Stated Communication is on October 4th. We will have the great privilege of hearing our Past Master, Van Troi Perozo, give a lecture on the Art of Meditation. We all know our Worshipful Brother, so we should be in for quite the treat. This is one you don’t want to miss. Please plan accordingly and RSVP with our Jr. Warden Kevin Trabert. Dinner will be served at 6:30, and the lodge will open promptly at 7:30.

On October 15th we will visit Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 1 which is located at Colfax and Ash St. in Denver. Lodge will open at 7:30 pm with dinner to follow. This meeting is open to all Master Masons. If you plan on attending, please RSVP with our Jr. Warden Kevin Trabert so Rocky Mountain No. 1 can plan accordingly.

Brethren, our second Stated Communication is on October 18th. We will be having an open discussion on the importance of guarding the West Gate and what that means to us. RSVP with our Jr. Warden Kevin Trabert. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm and the lodge will promptly open at 7:30 pm.

This year’s Masonic Symposium will take place on October 13-14 at the Highland Masonic Lodge, 3550 N. Federal. If you’ve never attended a Masonic Symposium, I highly recommend you do. It will be two full days of Masonic Education that is sure to enlighten. More details will be available at our next lodge meeting.


“Never over, Never under, but always on the Level”

Kory Wilson W.M.
Denver Lodge No. 5 A.F. & A.M.

April 2018 Trestle Board

Pablo Colomban Master's Message, Scholarships, Trestleboard Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East Brethren,

Spring has again sprung before us Brethren, and let us plan accordingly.

I want to first congratulate the brothers that received their Fellow Craft degree at the joint communication with Highlands 86. The degree team again excelled and a good Masonic day was had by all.

Our first stated communication April 5, we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree upon three well-deserving candidates. The lodge will open early at 5:30 to ensure we have ample time to devote to the candidates. Please plan accordingly, your attendance will be greatly received as these candidates are prepared to receive light. RSVP with Jr. Warden Kevin Trabert.

Brethren we will be visiting East Denver Lodge # 160 on April 11. Lodge opens at 6:30 and they are located at 1370 Grant St. the southeast corner of 13th and Grant. After their stated communication, they typically go out to dinner. Please RSVP with Sw. Curt Robinson.

Our stated communication on April 19th we will have an open discussion on the True Passion of life. We will discuss what we as Mason are truly here to do. This will be open to all degrees. We will also hear Brother TJ Ward give his account on this subject. Please RSVP with Jr. Warden Kevin Trabert.

Brethren our scholarship application deadline has been extended to April 17, so if you know a well deserving student let’s get those applications in.

“Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Kory Wilson, W.M.
Denver Lodge No. 5 A.F.& A.M.

November 2017

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message, Trestleboard Tagged Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East!

I’d like to congratulate and welcome our newest Entered Apprentices, Bro. Will Berry, Bro. Andy Tuitele, Bro. Ben Allen, and Bro. Gareth Alexander. The degree itself was superb and the turnout on the sidelines truly inspiring. Thank you all!

We had a great Stated Communication on October 5th at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Home and enjoyed our time with the Brethren there. I hope it’s something we can repeat in the years to come.

November is a special month for Denver Lodge No. 5. The first recorded meeting of Masons, and what would become Denver Lodge No. 5, was held on November 3rd, 1858. And so, every year in the first week of November, Denver Lodge No. 5 commemorates their heritage. We have some exciting events planned for this year.

At our first Stated Communication on Thursday, November 2nd we’ll be receiving the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Vernon R. Turner, and his Grand Lodge Officer Line. We will also have a presentation on “frontier life” by Brother John “Ramrod” Russell and will be presenting a 25-year member pin. This meeting will be open to the public so please invite your friends and families. Bro. Ramrod’s presentation is a hit with the kids so make sure to bring them along! Come join us for this special event! Lodge will open at 5:30 pm on the MM degree to take care of some Lodge Business.  Dinner will be at 6:30 pm. Presentations will begin at 7:30 pm. RSVP.

Continuing with the heritage theme, I’m excited to announce the first ever Denver Lodge No.5 Heritage Raising on Saturday, November 4th. We will be Raising four Brothers to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason while trying to create an atmosphere similar to the one perhaps experienced by our Founding Brothers. Our Labors will be done by candlelight alone, the fare will be one typically found in the 19th century West, and Right Worshipful Brother Kevin Townley will provide musical entertainment during dinner. We will also be treated to a special toast by W.B. Nick Freeburg. Lodge will open on the Master Mason Degree at 3:00 pm. We will Raise three Brothers before we break for dinner at 6:30 pm. Lodge will return to Labor at 7:30 pm for the final degree in long form. As a bonus, while not required, we encourage all attendees to come dressed in Victorian-era fashion. We will choose a winner by vote for “Best Dressed” and I will pay for their 2018 Denver Lodge No. 5 Dues. Come celebrate not just Denver Lodge No.5’s long history, but Colorado Freemasonry at large! RSVP

On Friday, November 10th, come out and join us for Denver 5 Rink Night and watch the DU Pioneers take on St. Cloud State! The game starts at 7:05 pm.  Open to Denver Lodge No.5 Members and family only. We have limited seats available and they’ll fill up fast. First come, first serve. RSVP.

Our second Stated Communication on Thursday, November 16th will be reserved for hearing some proficiencies and catching up on various Lodge business. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm and Lodge will open at 7:30 pm on the E.A. degree.

That’s all for now, but check our website and Facebook page regularly for new events and updates.

See you at Lodge!

Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M. K

October 2017

Pablo Colomban Events, Master's Message Tagged Tags: , , , , , ,

Greetings from the East!

The temperature is dropping and the pumpkin spice lattes are flowing! I love this time of year. September was another great month at D5. We started it off with an enlightening, historical presentation by W.B. Van-Troi Perozo. We also had a Joint Communication with the six Welton Street Temple Lodges to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of England. We saw hard work come to fruition with three Brothers doing their Fellowcraft Proficiencies and are now ready to be Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. We had the pleasure of hosting Brethren visiting us from Brazil and England amongst other places. The Golf League had a Happy Hour outing at Park Hill Golf course and we had a blast! If you are interested in joining the league, please contact me.

We keep the momentum going in October with a lot of fun activities. For our first Stated on October 5th, we’ll be meeting at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement home. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm with Lodge opening at 7:30 pm on the Master Mason Degree.

We will be initiating four new Brethren at our second Stated on October 19th.  We will be starting at 5 pm with a break for dinner at 6:30 pm. Join us as we bring Light to these new Brothers!

Denver Lodge No.5 will be sponsoring some Brethren to attend this year’s Colorado Masonic SymposiumOctober 14th-15th. If you are interested in attending, please contact Bro. Michael Rossi, P.M.

We also have plans for a Hockey game at DU, a night at the Colorado Ballet and a cigar night in the next few weeks. Contact me for more details.

I don’t want to jump too far ahead, but our Heritage Week is coming up in November. We will celebrate Denver Lodge No. 5’s long history in Colorado, first at our Stated Communication on November 2nd. This will be an “Open to the Public” meeting as we receive the Grand Master. Then on November 4th, we will be having our first Denver Lodge No.5 Heritage Raising. You won’t want to miss either one of these events. If you are interested in participating in the Master Mason Degrees, please let me know as the cast sheet is filling up fast.

That’s all for now, but check our website and Facebook page regularly for new events and updates.

See you at Lodge!

Pablo Colomban, W.M.
Denver Lodge No.5 A.F. & A.M.