Greetings from the East!
February has been a great month for Denver Lodge No. 5. We were able to meet in-person for the first time in 2021 and it felt great to be back in the Lodge room with all of you! We have been taking precautions to make it a safe environment. We are still taking temperatures at the door, spacing out in the dining room and the Lodge room. You are welcome to wear a mask during the meeting as well. We still ask that you MUST MAKE A RESERVATION.
We had two proficiencies at the last meeting. Bro. Connor Gould did a great job on his EA proficiency and Bro. Joshua Ruegsegger, J.D. dazzled us with an excellent MM long-form proficiency. I’m very proud of you both!
Coming up in March things are not slowing down. We will be opening Lodge early on March 4th at 5:30 pm to hear another EA proficiency and handle some business. Then after dinner, we will be doing two FC Degrees. This will be our first time doing degree work this year and we are excited to get back to work.
On March 18th, we will be hearing a presentation from Pablo Colomban, P.M. titled “That Other American Revolution Led by Masons”. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm and Lodge will open at 7:30.
A couple of reminders:
The scholarship application due date has changed. The new date is April 15, 2021. If you know any students that are going to college or trade school in the Fall, please encourage them to apply for the scholarship. The link to the application can be found online here.
This is a second reminder about paying your dues. If you have not yet sent a check or paid via Paypal on our website, please do so as soon as possible!
The Boulder Plunge is taking place on April 10th from 8:00 am – 1:30 pm. This is always a fun family activity so bring out the kids and loved ones. This event is also open to any prospective candidates. And if you don’t want to brave the cold waters, they will also be holding a 5k that you can participate in. If you are interested in participating, please contact WB Tom Shotts.
I look forward to seeing you all in March!
Michael Rotert, W.M.