Greetings brethren! I am humbled and honored to have been elected to serve as your Worshipful Master for 2020. We had a successful Installation of Officers on December 21, 2019 and I congratulate all the new officers and I look forward to working with you during this year as we continue the legacy of Denver Lodge #5 and Colorado Freemasonry.
Lodge is cancelled on January 2 due to the proximity to the New Year’s holiday.
Posting will resume on January 8, and continue Wednesdays at the Welton Masonic Temple at 6:30 pm. Please reach out to Brother James Bechtel, JD if you have questions about posting.
Our second stated communication will be on January 16; dinner at 6:30 pm and lodge will open at 7:30 pm. Please RSVP to Brother Sean Murphy, JW. During the meeting I will discuss my objectives and committee assignments for the year. We will also discuss the proposed changes to the Book of Constitutions, install our Senior Deacon, and hear any proficiencies that are ready.
The 159th Annual Grand Lodge Communication will be held on January 23-25 at the Hotel Elegante in Colorado Springs. The elected officers are required to attend and represent the lodge; however, all proficient Master Masons can attend. Registration is available on the grand lodge website and is due by January 6.
The theme for this year is “D5 in 2020; a vision for the future”. While fate provided me with a perfect play on words, it is an excellent reminder to all of us that there is a reason why Freemasonry has spanned multiple centuries and why we are members of Colorado’s oldest lodge. Our “vision for the future” is one where the members of D5, with professionalism and elegance, set the bar across Colorado Freemasonry to ensure the legacy of our beloved fraternity. I believe we can accomplish this vision through the following objectives:
- Establish enduring relationships within the fraternity and the Denver community.
- Maintain our high standards of work while extending our influence in the craft.
- Increase member participation at lodge events.
- Set the conditions necessary for the next generation of D5 members to continue our legacy.
In addition to our standing committees per the by-laws (Finance, Grievance, Memorial Funds, Scholarship & Education, and Masonic Temple Association) I am appointing special committees for the following topics:
- Youth: Continue implementing the sponsorship of Denver Chapter, Order of DeMolay (Objectives 1, 2, 4).
- Membership & Posting: Continue and expand our weekly Posting program and increase member participation at lodge events (Objective 3).
- Visitation: Plan to visit other lodges throughout the year, establishing enduring relationships within the fraternity (Objectives 1, 2, 4).
- Community Outreach: Continue our participation and support to local charities (this year I’d like to focus on Veterans charities) and increase our public presence within the Denver community (Objectives 1 & 4).
- Library, Archives & Antiquities: Organize, catalog, and disseminate the archives of the lodge (Objective 4).
- Rod & Gun Club: Continue fraternal activities outside of stated communications and outside the walls of the lodge building (Objective 3).
I look forward to seeing everyone at our lodge events and spreading the brotherly love that unites us in this wonderful fraternity!
Kevin Trabert, WM
Denver Lodge #5 A.F. & A.M